“Whisper Kill” is a suspense-filled crime drama about an investigative reporter and an associate pursuing a murderer. Director Christian I. Nyby II and teleplay writer John Bensink keep the 93-minute made-for-television film running smoothly, with Loni Anderson and Joe Penny in the starring roles. For some reason, Anderson seems to grab much of the audience’s collective attention.
June Lockhart, a veteran of television programs like “Lassie,” “Lost in Space,” and “Petticoat Junction” heads the supporting cast which includes James Sutorius, Jeremy Slate, Joe Knowland, Frank Ross, and Phyllis Coates, another old-timer in movie & television shows. “Whisper Kill” was broadcast in May, 1988, on the ABC television network.
Whisper Kill (1988)
My Review
“Whisper Kill” is a suspense-filled crime drama about an investigative reporter and an associate pursuing a murderer. Director Christian I. Nyby II and teleplay writer John Bensink keep the 93-minute made-for-television film running smoothly, with Loni Anderson and Joe Penny in the starring roles. For some reason, Anderson seems to grab much of the audience’s collective attention.
June Lockhart, a veteran of television programs like “Lassie,” “Lost in Space,” and “Petticoat Junction” heads the supporting cast which includes James Sutorius, Jeremy Slate, Joe Knowland, Frank Ross, and Phyllis Coates, another old-timer in movie & television shows. “Whisper Kill” was broadcast in May, 1988, on the ABC television network.