War Room (2015) Review

War Room (2015)



My Review

“War Room” tells quite an interesting story about a young couple whose lives and troubled marriage are transformed by intercessory prayer from a friend. This friend is a “prayer warrior” who is the center of the movie’s story. Director Alex Kendrick (“Courageous” 2011), who co-wrote the screenplay with his brother Stephen Kendrick, have made this quality film with high production values, good acting, and a wonderful screenplay.

The stars of the show include Priscilla Shirer and T. C. Stallings as they married couple, Karen Abercrombie as prayer warrior Miss Clara, as well as Alena Pitts, Alex Kendrick, Michael Jr., Beth Moore, Ben Davies, and Tenae Downing. “Prayer Warrior” was quite a success at the box office for Kendrick Brothers, Affirm Films, TriStar Pictures, and Sony Pictures Releasing.

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