“Thelma” is a comedy-drama about a 93-year-old grandmother who loses ten thousand dollars to a con artist working over the phone. With the help of her grandson and a friend with a motorized scoter, she embarks on a wild journey across the Los Angeles basin to reclaim her money. Independent director-screenwriter Josh Margolin put together a humorous movie that works well as low-key entertainment. The film was modestly successful in theatrical release for Magnolia Pictures.
The star of the show is actress June Squibb as the grandmother on a mission. Mostly appearing in supporting roles over the years, her performance here carries the film. Others include Fred Hechinger as her grandson, Richard Roundtree as her helpful friend, Parker Posey as her daughter, as well as Clark Gregg, Malcolm McDowell, Nicole Byer, Coral Pena, Ruben Rabasa, Quinn Beswick, Aidan Fiske, and Bunny Levine. This was Roundtree’s final film role in a career that hit the big-time in 1971 when he played as John Shaft in “Shaft.”
Thelma (2024)
My Review
“Thelma” is a comedy-drama about a 93-year-old grandmother who loses ten thousand dollars to a con artist working over the phone. With the help of her grandson and a friend with a motorized scoter, she embarks on a wild journey across the Los Angeles basin to reclaim her money. Independent director-screenwriter Josh Margolin put together a humorous movie that works well as low-key entertainment. The film was modestly successful in theatrical release for Magnolia Pictures.
The star of the show is actress June Squibb as the grandmother on a mission. Mostly appearing in supporting roles over the years, her performance here carries the film. Others include Fred Hechinger as her grandson, Richard Roundtree as her helpful friend, Parker Posey as her daughter, as well as Clark Gregg, Malcolm McDowell, Nicole Byer, Coral Pena, Ruben Rabasa, Quinn Beswick, Aidan Fiske, and Bunny Levine. This was Roundtree’s final film role in a career that hit the big-time in 1971 when he played as John Shaft in “Shaft.”