“The Stranger” is the post-World War II story of a former high-ranking Nazi official living under a false identity, posing as a teacher in a small town in Connecticut. His cover is in danger of being blown when a federal investigator comes to town. Outstanding direction by Orson Welles (“Citizen Kane” 1941) and a great screenplay by Anthony Vieller does something we do not see in many movies these days: Storytelling with a beginning, a middle, and an end. The movie won one Academy Award for Best Story (Victor Trivas).
The three principal performers were at the top of their game: Orson Welles as the fleeing Nazi, Edward G. Robinson as the fed, and Loretta Young as the judge’s daughter who marries Welles’ character without knowledge of his past. Co-stars include Philip Marivale, Richard Long, Billy House, Konstantin Shayne, Byron Keith, Martha Wentworth, and Erskine Sanford as a party guest. “The Stranger” was a success in theatrical release for International Pictures and RKO Radio Pictures.
The Stranger (1946)
My Review
“The Stranger” is the post-World War II story of a former high-ranking Nazi official living under a false identity, posing as a teacher in a small town in Connecticut. His cover is in danger of being blown when a federal investigator comes to town. Outstanding direction by Orson Welles (“Citizen Kane” 1941) and a great screenplay by Anthony Vieller does something we do not see in many movies these days: Storytelling with a beginning, a middle, and an end. The movie won one Academy Award for Best Story (Victor Trivas).
The three principal performers were at the top of their game: Orson Welles as the fleeing Nazi, Edward G. Robinson as the fed, and Loretta Young as the judge’s daughter who marries Welles’ character without knowledge of his past. Co-stars include Philip Marivale, Richard Long, Billy House, Konstantin Shayne, Byron Keith, Martha Wentworth, and Erskine Sanford as a party guest. “The Stranger” was a success in theatrical release for International Pictures and RKO Radio Pictures.