“The Strange Woman” is a melodrama film where Hedy Lamarr plays a woman wreaking havoc in the lives of those around her, especially in the romantic realm. Lamarr delivers a good performance in her B-movie acting range, guided by director Edgar G. Ulmer (“Isle of Forgotten Sins” 1943). The screenplay was written by Ulmer and Hunt Strombert, adapted from the 1941 novel by Ben Ames Williams.
Co-stars include George Sanders, Louis Hayward, Gene Lockhart, Hillary Brooke, Moroni Olsen, Rhys Williams, June Storey, Alan Napier, Dennis Hoey, Ray Teal, Olive Blakeney, and Kathleen Lockhart (wife of Gene Lockhart) in a small role. The watchable movie “The Strange Woman” was a modest success in theatrical release for Hunt Stromberg Productions, Mars Film Corporation, and United Artists.
The Strange Woman (1946)
My Review
“The Strange Woman” is a melodrama film where Hedy Lamarr plays a woman wreaking havoc in the lives of those around her, especially in the romantic realm. Lamarr delivers a good performance in her B-movie acting range, guided by director Edgar G. Ulmer (“Isle of Forgotten Sins” 1943). The screenplay was written by Ulmer and Hunt Strombert, adapted from the 1941 novel by Ben Ames Williams.
Co-stars include George Sanders, Louis Hayward, Gene Lockhart, Hillary Brooke, Moroni Olsen, Rhys Williams, June Storey, Alan Napier, Dennis Hoey, Ray Teal, Olive Blakeney, and Kathleen Lockhart (wife of Gene Lockhart) in a small role. The watchable movie “The Strange Woman” was a modest success in theatrical release for Hunt Stromberg Productions, Mars Film Corporation, and United Artists.