The Shape of Water (2017) Review

The Shape of Water (2017)



My Review

The Best Picture of 2017 is…..”The Shape of Water.” Producer-director-screenwriter Guillermo del Toro created a story that centers on a mute woman janitorial worker at a high security government lab in Baltimore in 1962, who falls in love with a captured humanoid fish-like creature.

Del Toro, who co-wrote the script with Vanessa Taylor, put this project together in a nearly flawless manner: Good writing, fast moving storyline, good production values, for which the film won four Oscars (out of thirteen nominations), including Best Picture, Director, Production Design, and Original Score for Alexandre Desplat.

The cast includes Sally Hawkins of England as the smitten custodian, Doug Jones (Commander Saru of TV’s “Star Trek: Discovery” since 2017) as the amphibian man, as well as Michael Shannon, Richard Jenkins, Octavia Spencer, Michael Stuhlbarg, Nick Searcy, David Hewlett, Nigel Bennett.

Though well-constructed, “The Shape of Water” is far-fetched, ridiculous, and unbelievable story that should say “buyer beware” on the box. It was successful in theatrical release for TSG Entertainment, Double Dare You Productions, and Fox Searchlight Pictures.

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