The Jolson Story (1946) Review

The Jolson Story (1946)



My Review

“The Jolson Story” is a musical biopic of the life and career of Al Jolson, popular music star of the 1920’s and 1930’s. Crisp direction by Alfred E. Green (“A Thousand and One Nights” 1945) made the 130 minute running time move swiftly, from a solid screenplay by Stephen Longstreet.

Larry Parker played Jolson, with vocals performed by Al Jolson himself. Evelyn Keyes appeared as his wife, who in real-life was Ruby Keeler. Co-stars include William Demarest, Bill Goodwin, Ludwig Donath, Tamara Shayne, and Scotty Beckett as Asa Yoelson, the young Jolson. Eddie Kane appeared as Florenz Ziegfeld.

“The Jolson Story” was popular in theatrical release for producer Sidney Skolsky and Columbia Pictures. This watchable movie was filmed in Technicolor, and won two Academy Awards for Best Musical Scoring (Morris Stoloff) and Best Sound Recording. There were nominations for Best Actor (Parker), Best Supporting Actor (Demarest), Best Cinematography, and Best Film Editing.

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