The Hunters (2013) Review

The Hunters (2013)



My Review

“The Hunters” is a science fiction adventure movie about two teenage brothers who discover they are descendants of an ancient order whose job is to find and protect magical objects. Director Nisha Ganatra (“Cosmopolitan” 2003) actually put together a decent made-for-television movie that has good production values, from a lucid teleplay by Matthew Huffman and Jeffrey Schechter.

The cast includes Robbie Amell and Keenan Tracey as the brothers, Michelle Forbes and Dan Payne as the parents, Alexa Vega as a girl friend of the oldest brother, and Victor Garber and Kira Clavell as the heavies of the piece. (Michelle Forbes is remembered by scifi fans as Ensign Ro Laren in “Star Trek: TNG” and “Star Trek: Picard” and as Admiral Helena Cain in “Battlestar Galactica.”)

The very watchable and entertaining show “The Hunters” premiered on the Hallmark Channel in October, 2013, from Raindance Entertainment, Arc Entertainment, and Eh-Okay Entertainment Productions. It seemed to promise a sequel at the end of the program, but none ever developed. This film’s storyline was centered on the Hunters finding the mirror that played a pivotal role in the tale of Snow White.

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