“The Barefoot Contessa” is a drama film about the life of a fictional Spanish movie star. Director-screenwriter Joseph L. Mankiewicz put together a film that is typical art house cinema fare – a poorly written story that has long and boring sequences with empty dialogue and conversation.
Many actors love this sort of material, and, indeed, the stars do put together good performances. They include Ava Gardner (in the title role), Humphrey Bogart, Edmond O’Brien (who won the film’s only Oscar for Best Supporting Actor), Rossano Brazzi, Marius Goring, Valentina Cortese, Elizabeth Sellars, and Bessie Love. The snoozer “The Barefoot Contessa” was a flop at the box office for United Artists.
The Barefoot Contessa (1954)
My Review
“The Barefoot Contessa” is a drama film about the life of a fictional Spanish movie star. Director-screenwriter Joseph L. Mankiewicz put together a film that is typical art house cinema fare – a poorly written story that has long and boring sequences with empty dialogue and conversation.
Many actors love this sort of material, and, indeed, the stars do put together good performances. They include Ava Gardner (in the title role), Humphrey Bogart, Edmond O’Brien (who won the film’s only Oscar for Best Supporting Actor), Rossano Brazzi, Marius Goring, Valentina Cortese, Elizabeth Sellars, and Bessie Love. The snoozer “The Barefoot Contessa” was a flop at the box office for United Artists.