Teleios (2017) Review

Teleios (2017)



My Review

“Teleios” is a science fiction mystery film telling the story of a rescue ship sent to investigate why a mining vessel had been adrift and incommunicado for two years off of Titan, a moon of Saturn. Director-screenwriter Ian Truitner (“Cutting Room” 2006) did a good job of making a film with good production values, especially the excellent special effects, but fell short of quality entertainment with a predictable plot, a slow-moving storyline, and poorly written dialogue. Dullsville in the stars.

The supporting cast includes Sunny Mabrey, Lance Broadway, Christian Petre, Ursula Mills, Mykal Shannon Jenkins, John Possey, and big screen veteran Michael Nouri, seen only on tape. The film was later renamed “Beyond the Trek” in the U. S. and Japan and “Deep Space” in the U. K., but did not help out its marketability at all, bombing at the global box office. The independent production “Teleios” from Thousand Mile Media just plain failed to take off.

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