“Tales of the Night” is a unique computer silhouette animation motion picture from French director Michel Ocelot. It is a compilation of six separate stories bunched together in one movie.
The animation was obviously meticulously compiled and is indeed beautiful to behold. However, the six stories written by Ocelot are dull and mundane and make the film seem longer than its eighty-four minutes. And the extra effort to read the English subtitles in this French language film could make viewers think they are watching “Tales of the Nighty Night Night.”
“Tales of the Night” from Nord-Quest Films and Studio-Canal made almost no money in theatrical release.
Tales of the Night (2011)
My Review
“Tales of the Night” is a unique computer silhouette animation motion picture from French director Michel Ocelot. It is a compilation of six separate stories bunched together in one movie.
The animation was obviously meticulously compiled and is indeed beautiful to behold. However, the six stories written by Ocelot are dull and mundane and make the film seem longer than its eighty-four minutes. And the extra effort to read the English subtitles in this French language film could make viewers think they are watching “Tales of the Nighty Night Night.”
“Tales of the Night” from Nord-Quest Films and Studio-Canal made almost no money in theatrical release.