Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) Review

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)



My Review

In “Superman IV: The Quest for Peace,” Superman watches as the United States and the Soviet Union engage in a nuclear arms race that could lead to Earth’s destruction. He decides to collect all nuclear warheads from around the world and throw them into the sun. Meanwhile, Superman’s old foe Lex Luthor combines Kent’s DNA with radioactive material to form Nuclear Man, who causes loads of trouble.

Director Sidney J. Furie (“The Ipcress File” 1965) and screenwriters Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal put together the fourth in the Superman franchise with good production values and tons of action, but with less appeal to the general public than the first three pictures. The blame was place on the nuclear disarmament theme and storyline developed by Christopher Reeve. The film underperformed at the box office and a fifth Superman film was canceled.

The actors delivered in the performance department, starting with Reeve as Clark Kent/Superman. His four films as the Man of Steel go down in cinematic history as top-rate superhero classics. Also included are Gene Hackman as Luthor, Jackie Cooper as Perry White, Margot Kidder as Lois Lane, Mark McClure as Jimmy Olson, Jon Cryer as Lenny Luthor, Mark Pillow as Nuclear Man, Mariel Hemingway as Lucy Warfield, Sam Wanamaker as David Warfield, Jim Broadbent as Jean Pierre Dubois, Robert Beatty as the President of America, and Susannah York as the voice of Lara, Superman’s mum.

Despite some disappointments, “Superman IV: The Quest for Peace” remains an entertaining and watchable movie from The Cannon Group Inc., Golan-Globus Productions, and Warner Bros. Pictures. John Williams and Alexander Courage were in charge of the musical score.

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