South of Heaven (2021) Review

South of Heaven (2021)



My Review

“South of Heaven” is a crime drama about a convict released from prison early to spend time with his terminally ill wife. Trouble comes knocking when a former associate asks him to do “one last” job. Even orchestration of this project by Israeli director Aharon Keshales assures a watchable film with good production values for the engrossing two hour running time. All of this on a low budget production, from a storyline we have seen before. Keshales co-wrote the lucid screenplay with Navot Papushado and Kai Mark.

The stars of the show are Jason Sudeikis and Evangeline Lilly, who turn in decent performances. Co-stars include Mike Colter, Shea Whigham, Michael Pare, Jeremy Bobb, Thaddeus J. Mixon, Amaury Nolasco, Jaime Zevallos, Greg Hill, Rupert Reyes, and Tina Parker as the chairwoman of the parole board. The watchable “South of Heaven” was released directly to streaming and DVD by Arts District Entertainment, Swiss Avenue Pictures, Media Finance Capital, GoodWizard Productions, RLJE Films, and Universal Pictures.

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