“Skyline” is a science fiction story about a group of Los Angeles residents who witness an alien invasion while in a high-rise condominium. Directors Greg Strause and Colin Strause (“Aliens vs. Predator” 2007) and screenwriters Joshua Cordes and Liam O’Donnell seem to borrow elements from other scifi movies, such as “Alien,” “Predator,” and “Independence Day.” As a result, nothing is very interesting about this film.
The cast seems to do their job as actors, including Eric Balfour, Scottie Thompson, Brittany Daniel, Crystal Reed, Neil Hopkins, David Zayas, Donald Faison, Tanya Newbould, and J. Paul Boehmer. “Skyline” was a modest hit at the box office for Universal Pictures, and two sequels were released in 2017 and 2020.
Skyline (2010)
My Review
“Skyline” is a science fiction story about a group of Los Angeles residents who witness an alien invasion while in a high-rise condominium. Directors Greg Strause and Colin Strause (“Aliens vs. Predator” 2007) and screenwriters Joshua Cordes and Liam O’Donnell seem to borrow elements from other scifi movies, such as “Alien,” “Predator,” and “Independence Day.” As a result, nothing is very interesting about this film.
The cast seems to do their job as actors, including Eric Balfour, Scottie Thompson, Brittany Daniel, Crystal Reed, Neil Hopkins, David Zayas, Donald Faison, Tanya Newbould, and J. Paul Boehmer. “Skyline” was a modest hit at the box office for Universal Pictures, and two sequels were released in 2017 and 2020.