“O Brother, Where Art Thou?” is a satirical comedic crime drama movie about three escaped prisoners out to find buried treasure. The trio stumble into thrills, chills, and spills, expertly directed by Joel Coen, who co-wrote the screenplay with his brother Ethan Coen. It was based on “The Odyssey” by Homer.
Good chemistry between the three principals really made the film, George Clooney, John Turturro, and Tim Blake Nelson. Co-stars include John Goodman, Holly Hunter, Charles Durning, Chris Thomas King, Frank Collison, Daniel von Bergen, Wayne Duvall, Ray McKinnon, Michael Badalucco, Stephen Root. and Lee Weaver.
“O Brother, Where Art Thou?” was a modest success at the box office for Touchstone Pictures, Universal Pictures, StudioCanal, Working Title Films, and Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
My Review
“O Brother, Where Art Thou?” is a satirical comedic crime drama movie about three escaped prisoners out to find buried treasure. The trio stumble into thrills, chills, and spills, expertly directed by Joel Coen, who co-wrote the screenplay with his brother Ethan Coen. It was based on “The Odyssey” by Homer.
Good chemistry between the three principals really made the film, George Clooney, John Turturro, and Tim Blake Nelson. Co-stars include John Goodman, Holly Hunter, Charles Durning, Chris Thomas King, Frank Collison, Daniel von Bergen, Wayne Duvall, Ray McKinnon, Michael Badalucco, Stephen Root. and Lee Weaver.
“O Brother, Where Art Thou?” was a modest success at the box office for Touchstone Pictures, Universal Pictures, StudioCanal, Working Title Films, and Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.