“Night and Day” is a biopic about the life and career of Cole Porter. Director Michael Curtiz (“Mildred Pierce” 1945) put together a first class biography of Porter that emphasized his diverse musical accomplishments as well as drama about his personal life. The film contained many Cole Porter numbers given first-class treatment, such as “I’ve Got You Under My Skin,” “Night and Day,” “I Get a Kick Out of You,” “Don’t Fence Me In,” and many more.
Cary Grant is the star of the show. He delivers his usual smooth performance, with two adequate musical numbers thrown in. Co-stars include Alexis Smith, Jane Wyman, Eve Arden, Alan Hale, Dorothy Malone, Ginny Simms, Victor Francen, Tom D’Andrea, Selena Royle, Donald Woods, Henry Stephenson, Paul Cavanagh, Sig Ruman, and Monty Woolley and Mary Martin as themselves.
Along with Grant, several of the celebrities belted out wonderful versions of Cole Porter hits, including Simms, Wyman, Arden, Malone, Martin, and Woolley. The musical score by Ray Heindorf and Max Steiner was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Music, Scoring of a Motion Picture. Filmed in Technicolor, “Night and Day” was very successful at the box office for executive producer Jack L. Warner and Warner Bros. Pictures. A very inferior version was released in 2004 called “De-Lovely” starring Kevin Kline and Ashley Judd.
Night and Day (1946)
My Review
“Night and Day” is a biopic about the life and career of Cole Porter. Director Michael Curtiz (“Mildred Pierce” 1945) put together a first class biography of Porter that emphasized his diverse musical accomplishments as well as drama about his personal life. The film contained many Cole Porter numbers given first-class treatment, such as “I’ve Got You Under My Skin,” “Night and Day,” “I Get a Kick Out of You,” “Don’t Fence Me In,” and many more.
Cary Grant is the star of the show. He delivers his usual smooth performance, with two adequate musical numbers thrown in. Co-stars include Alexis Smith, Jane Wyman, Eve Arden, Alan Hale, Dorothy Malone, Ginny Simms, Victor Francen, Tom D’Andrea, Selena Royle, Donald Woods, Henry Stephenson, Paul Cavanagh, Sig Ruman, and Monty Woolley and Mary Martin as themselves.
Along with Grant, several of the celebrities belted out wonderful versions of Cole Porter hits, including Simms, Wyman, Arden, Malone, Martin, and Woolley. The musical score by Ray Heindorf and Max Steiner was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Music, Scoring of a Motion Picture. Filmed in Technicolor, “Night and Day” was very successful at the box office for executive producer Jack L. Warner and Warner Bros. Pictures. A very inferior version was released in 2004 called “De-Lovely” starring Kevin Kline and Ashley Judd.