“Morning Glory” is the story of a young producer, played by Rachel McAdams, who accepts the challenge of reviving a low-rated morning talk show with battling co-hosts, one a “happy talk” hostess (Diane Keaton) and the other a serious-minded veteran journalist (Harrison Ford). Roger Mitchell (“Notting Hill” 1999) was weak at the helm of this comedy with unfocused directing. He did not have much to work with in the poorly written screenplay by Aline Brosh McKenna; the characters were not very well defined, giving the actors little to work with.
Mitchell had few laughs in this film, with the exception of a handful of humorous on-camera moments between Ford and Keaton. The comedy was very labored with superficial performances by McAdams, Keaton, and Ford. Co-stars include Patrick Wilson, Jeff Goldblum, Ty Burrell, Patti D’Arbanville, John Pankow, and Matt Malloy. There were cameos by Chris Matthews, Morley Safer, Bob Schieffer, and Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson.
“Morning Glory” barely made any money at the box office for producer J. J. Abrams, Bad Robot Productions, and Paramount Pictures. A film with a premise such as this one has a lot of promise and potential, but did not deliver the goods.
Morning Glory (2010)
My Review
“Morning Glory” is the story of a young producer, played by Rachel McAdams, who accepts the challenge of reviving a low-rated morning talk show with battling co-hosts, one a “happy talk” hostess (Diane Keaton) and the other a serious-minded veteran journalist (Harrison Ford). Roger Mitchell (“Notting Hill” 1999) was weak at the helm of this comedy with unfocused directing. He did not have much to work with in the poorly written screenplay by Aline Brosh McKenna; the characters were not very well defined, giving the actors little to work with.
Mitchell had few laughs in this film, with the exception of a handful of humorous on-camera moments between Ford and Keaton. The comedy was very labored with superficial performances by McAdams, Keaton, and Ford. Co-stars include Patrick Wilson, Jeff Goldblum, Ty Burrell, Patti D’Arbanville, John Pankow, and Matt Malloy. There were cameos by Chris Matthews, Morley Safer, Bob Schieffer, and Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson.
“Morning Glory” barely made any money at the box office for producer J. J. Abrams, Bad Robot Productions, and Paramount Pictures. A film with a premise such as this one has a lot of promise and potential, but did not deliver the goods.