“Land of Bad” is an action-adventure film about a Delta Force team ambushed by Islamic extremist terrorists in the southern Philippines. Their only hope is help from an U. S. Air Force drone pilot whose eyes in the sky keep track of them, and hopefully will send help. Director William Eubank (“Underwater” 2020) did an outstanding job in putting together this thriller, keeping the film on an even keel and watchable for the nearly two hour running time. He co-wrote the script with David Frigerio.
Eubank put together an excellent cast that includes Russell Crowe, Liam Hemsworth, Luke Hemsworth, Ricky Whittle, Milo Ventimiglia, Chika Ikogwe, Jack Finsterer, Daniel MacPherson, Robert Rabiah, Lincoln Lewis, Gunner Wright, and George Burgess. “Land of Bad” was a modest success in theatrical release for R. U. Robot Studios, Highland Film Group, Volition Media Partners, The Avenue, and Variance Films. It is currently streaming on Netflix.
Land of Bad (2024)
My Review
“Land of Bad” is an action-adventure film about a Delta Force team ambushed by Islamic extremist terrorists in the southern Philippines. Their only hope is help from an U. S. Air Force drone pilot whose eyes in the sky keep track of them, and hopefully will send help. Director William Eubank (“Underwater” 2020) did an outstanding job in putting together this thriller, keeping the film on an even keel and watchable for the nearly two hour running time. He co-wrote the script with David Frigerio.
Eubank put together an excellent cast that includes Russell Crowe, Liam Hemsworth, Luke Hemsworth, Ricky Whittle, Milo Ventimiglia, Chika Ikogwe, Jack Finsterer, Daniel MacPherson, Robert Rabiah, Lincoln Lewis, Gunner Wright, and George Burgess. “Land of Bad” was a modest success in theatrical release for R. U. Robot Studios, Highland Film Group, Volition Media Partners, The Avenue, and Variance Films. It is currently streaming on Netflix.