“La Dolce Vita” is a satirical comedy-drama film that takes a look at Western lifestyles from Italian director Federico Fellini. He employs top-rate production values with focused direction, a lucid screenplay, natural appearing performances, and elegant cinematography that seems to make each scene look like a magnificent work of Italian art. Fellini co-wrote the screenplay for “La Dolce Vita,” which has a fast moving three hour running time.
The cast in this Italian language film includes Marcello Mastroianni, Anita Ekberg, Lex Barker, Anouk Aimee, Yvonne Furneaux, Magali Noel, Alain Cuny, Nadia Gray, Jacques Sernas, and Umberto Orsini. “La Dolce Vita,” which translates to the good life or the sweet life, is divided into seven sections with several different subplots. The languages of the film are Italian, English, French, and German. It was a success in theatrical release for Riama Film, Pathe Consortium Cinema, and Gray Films.
La Dolce Vita (1960)
My Review
“La Dolce Vita” is a satirical comedy-drama film that takes a look at Western lifestyles from Italian director Federico Fellini. He employs top-rate production values with focused direction, a lucid screenplay, natural appearing performances, and elegant cinematography that seems to make each scene look like a magnificent work of Italian art. Fellini co-wrote the screenplay for “La Dolce Vita,” which has a fast moving three hour running time.
The cast in this Italian language film includes Marcello Mastroianni, Anita Ekberg, Lex Barker, Anouk Aimee, Yvonne Furneaux, Magali Noel, Alain Cuny, Nadia Gray, Jacques Sernas, and Umberto Orsini. “La Dolce Vita,” which translates to the good life or the sweet life, is divided into seven sections with several different subplots. The languages of the film are Italian, English, French, and German. It was a success in theatrical release for Riama Film, Pathe Consortium Cinema, and Gray Films.