John Carter (2012) Review

John Carter (2012)



My Review

“John Carter” seems to have all the elements for a successful motion picture: Lots of action, special effects, drama, romance, etc. It even came out in 3D. But this expensive Walt Disney Pictures product was a big flop at the box office. The story of a Civil War Confederate officer who experiences life on the planet Mars after being mysteriously translated there did not get any response from movie-going audiences.

Director Andrew Stanton (“WALL-E” 2008), who co-wrote the screenplay with Mark Andrews and Michael Chabon, probably did as well with the material as anyone could. It might be that the story is dated with subject matter we have seen before in film series like “Star Wars” and “Star Trek.” The books by Edgar Rice Burroughs were first published in 1912, one hundred years ago!

The cast put forth a good effort, with Taylor Kitsch in the title role. Others include Lynn Collins, Samantha Morton, William Dafoe, Thomas Hayden Church, Ciaran Hands, Bryan Cranston, Polly Walker, David Schwimmer, Jon Favreau, Mark Strong, Darryl Sabara, and James Purefoy. All of this being said, “John Carter” is not a bad view on DVD these days.

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