Jesus (1979) Review

Jesus (1979)



My Review

“Jesus” is an America Biblical drama film with the dialogue taken directly from the Gospel of Luke. Directors Peter Sykes (“The Avengers” TV series, 1967-1968) and John Krish (“Unearthly Stranger” 1963) and screenwriter Barnet Fishbein kept the film on track by sticking with the Biblical text, something that many in the audience are familiar with.

British actor Brian Deacon was very convincing in the title role. His background as a Shakespearean actor helped with the dramatics, and his Mediterranean physical appearance lent authenticity to the role of Jesus, who was from Israel. In fact, “Jesus” was filmed in Israel and most of the cast are Israeli actors. Veteran character actor Alexander Scourby served as the narrator and appeared as the Apostle Luke.

“Jesus,” often called “The Jesus Film,” was a project of Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ, and was primarily financed by American oil billionaire Nelson Bunker Hunt. It was translated into dozens of languages and shown all around the world for evangelistic purposes. “Jesus” from Inspirational Films and the Genesis Project is most likely one of the most viewed films of all time.

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