In the Shadow of the Moon (2007) Review

In the Shadow of the Moon (2007)



My Review

Interviews with ten former astronauts of the Apollo program highlight the fascinating British documentary “In the Shadow of the Moon.” Director David Sington supplements the interviews with old footage of the moon landings, as well as NASA film and photographs never seen by the general public.

Sharing insights into space flight are Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins, Alan Bean, Jim Lovell, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, and Harrison Schmitt. Neil Armstrong choose not to participate.

They reminisce about topics ranging from the beautiful views of the earth to the lawsuits by atheists for the readings from the Bible during flights. All valuable for the historic record in the very watchable one hundred minute documentary film “In the Shadow of the Moon” from Film4, Passion Pictures, Discovery Films, and Vertigo Films.

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