Hot Pursuit (2015) Review

Hot Pursuit (2015)



My Review

Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara are featured in an action-comedy film called “Hot Pursuit.” This second-rate buddy picture provides lots of action sequences but delivers mediocre dialogue, few laughs, and a predictable storyline. Talent like Witherspoon and Vergara, playing a cop protecting a widow of a drug kingpin, deserve better material, but lackluster direction by Anne Fletcher (“The Guilt Trip” 2012) and an awful screenplay by David Feeney and John Quaintance sabotaged the project.

The supporting cast includes Robert Kazinsky, Jim Gaffigan, Richard T. Jones, Michael Mosley, Matthew Del Negro, Joaquin Cosio, and John Carroll Lynch. Unfortunately for co-producer Reese Witherspoon, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and Warner Bros. Pictures, this was only a modest success at the box office. There is very little heat in “Hot Pursuit” except maybe from Ms. Vergara’s tight dresses.

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