Funny Face (1957) Review

Funny Face (1957)



My Review

“Funny Face” is a romantic musical comedy where Fred Astaire plays a New York fashion photographer stumbling upon a shy bookstore clerk (Audrey Hepburn) he thinks would make a great model. She disagrees vehemently, as she feels the fashion industry is nonsense. But the two start to fall in love, even as they travel to Paris, where the plot thickens.

At first description, one would think this is another glorious Hollywood musical, but instead is a poorly written and disconcertingly unpleasant movie with bad acting by the two stars and the supporting cast. Even the music written by George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin does not help. The cast’s version of “‘S Wonderful” is absolutely terrible, due to sloppy musical direction by Adolph Deutsch.

The direction by Stanley Donen (“Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” 1954) is atrocious, to say the least. The substandard and inferior screenplay was penned by Leonard Gershe. The supporting cast behind Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn includes Kay Thompson, Michael Auclair, Robert Flemyng, Ruta Lee, Virginia Gibson, and Sue England. The unwatchable “Funny Face” was a flop at the box office and lost money for producer Roger Edens and Paramount Pictures.

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