Endgame (2007) Review

Endgame (2007)



My Review

Controversial right-wing talk show host Alex Jones takes on the globalist crowd in “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement.” Producer-director-screenwriter-narrator Jones presents his view that a group of people have been promoting a one-world government, with the use of eugenics. Jones does not specify exactly how this has been done.

However, this does not stop Jones and his camera crew from pursuing members of the Bilderberg Group to their meetings in Ottawa and Istanbul, trying to speak to them via a megaphone. Luminaries such as David Rockefeller and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands were caught on film entering the buildings, but did not respond to Jones. Indeed, they may not have even heard him.

Jones goes on to contend that the globalists were using NAFTA, and its projects like a superhighway from Texas to Canada, to create a North American Union, similar to the European Union. He said they have plans to divide up the world into similar confederations, making it easier for them to use these units of governments as building blocks for a world government.

Time will tell if Alex Jones and his documentary “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” is truly prophetic or ridiculous nonsense.

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