“Defending Santa” is the story of a small-town sheriff who finds a man asleep in the woods who claims to be Santa Clause. He is put on trial with the district attorney sceptical of his very identity, and, in fact, his santiy. Director Brian Skiba put on a film that does not have top-rate production values, but is entertaining nonetheless. The so-so teleplay was written by George Erschbamer.
The cast includes Dean Cain as the sheriff, Sarah Walker as the defense attorney, John Savage as Judge Willis, Bill Lewis as Kris Kringle, as well as Gary Hudson, Eric Woods, Jamie McRae, Cooper Barnes, Jodie Sweetin, and Joseph Walsh as the mayor. “Defending Santa” was originally broadcast on Ion Television on November 24, 2013. It was filmed in Inyo County, California.
Defending Santa (2013)
My Review
“Defending Santa” is the story of a small-town sheriff who finds a man asleep in the woods who claims to be Santa Clause. He is put on trial with the district attorney sceptical of his very identity, and, in fact, his santiy. Director Brian Skiba put on a film that does not have top-rate production values, but is entertaining nonetheless. The so-so teleplay was written by George Erschbamer.
The cast includes Dean Cain as the sheriff, Sarah Walker as the defense attorney, John Savage as Judge Willis, Bill Lewis as Kris Kringle, as well as Gary Hudson, Eric Woods, Jamie McRae, Cooper Barnes, Jodie Sweetin, and Joseph Walsh as the mayor. “Defending Santa” was originally broadcast on Ion Television on November 24, 2013. It was filmed in Inyo County, California.