"The Stranger" is the post-World War II story of a former high-ranking Nazi official living under a false identity, posing as a teacher in a small town in Connecticut. His cover is in danger of being blown when a federal investigator comes to town. Outstanding direction by Orson [..]
Easy to Wed (1946)
"Easy to Wed" is a musical comedy featuring Esther Williams as a debutante whose reputation is smeared by a scandalous newspaper article. Her father sues the paper, but they fight back with a reporter, played by Van Johnson, doing further investigative reporting on Williams and family. The wacky [..]
Pale Rider (1985)
"Pale Rider" is a classic western movie which tells the story of a major land owner using a band of hooligans to terrorize a town of gold miners. Director Clint Eastwood assembled this very high quality western dealing with a good vs. evil theme. [..]
Primal Fear (1996)
"Primal Fear" is a crime drama thriller movie about an attorney who takes on a case where an altar boy is accused of murdering a Roman Catholic bishop. Director Gregory Hoblit assembled this complex thriller with more twists-and-turns than a pretzel. The marvelous screenplay [..]
The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)
"The Bad and the Beautiful" is a melodrama about a domineering movie producer who alienates everyone around him. Director Vincente Minnelli ("An American in Paris" 1951) put together an engrossing melodrama with several storylines going on at once, all packed into the 113 minute running time [..]
The Secret Life of Bees (2008)
"The Secret Life of Bees" is a drama film about a 14-year-old girl who flees from her abusive father with the family maid to live with the latter's family in another town. Director-screenwriter Gina Prince-Blythewood put together a charming coming-of-age story with good writing, quality production values, fine [..]
Nowhere Special (2020)
"Nowhere Special" is a drama movie about a working class single parent who must make arrangements for the care of his four-year-old son when he is faced with a diagnosis of a terminal illness. Director-screenwriter Uberto Pasolini ("Still Life" 2013) put together an engrossing and [..]
Mother’s Instincts (2024)
Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain play best friends and suburbanite neighbors who seem to have everything when a tragic accident shatters their lives and changes them forever in "Mother's Instincts." French cinematographer Benoit Delhomme was meticulous in details creating this psychological thriller in his directorial debut. Sarah Conradt [..]
Thelma (2024)
"Thelma" is a comedy-drama about a 93-year-old grandmother who loses ten thousand dollars to a con artist working over the phone. With the help of her grandson and a friend with a motorized scoter, she embarks on a wild journey across the Los Angeles basin [..]
Road to Utopia (1946)
Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Dorothy Lamour starred together for the fourth time in "Road to Utopia." This adventure has the famous group looking for a gold mine in Alaska and finding a treasure in laughs and comedy. This movie had an expert behind the scenes production group: [..]