The Wizard of Oz (1939)
The story of a teenage girl whisked away from her home in rural Kansas to the Land of Oz is told in one of the most beloved motion pictures of all time. “The Wizard of Oz” was a troubled production from the start, with Victor Fleming replacing Normal Taureg and [..]

Gone With The Wind (1939)
The Best Picture of 1939 is....."Gone With The Wind,” no doubt the most popular motion picture of all time because it has everything: Drama, comedy, romance, disaster, sweeping historical context, big movie stars. And it won eight Oscars prompting Bob Hope, at the Academy’s ceremonies, to quip that it was [..]

American Underdog (2021)
Christian moviemakers Andrew and Jon Erwin (“I Can Only Imagine” 2018) have come out with another gem, this time the true rags-to-riches story of football player Kurt Warner. Actor Zachary Levi cornered the market on this role of a man who struggled in grocery store jobs and arena football for over [..]