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And Review the Movie


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And Review the Movie


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And Review the Movie


Pain & Gain (2013)

"Pain & Gain" is an unlikely but true story of three bodybuilder friends who decide to get rich by kidnapping a wealthy businessman and cash in on his bank accounts and property. Director Michael Bay uses his considerable action-adventure skills from the "Transformers" series to craft this [..]


Oz The Great and Powerful (2013)

The long and winding road to a new version of "The Wizard of Oz" has finally come to an end. "Oz The Great and Powerful" is a worthy prequel to the original first released 74 years ago. This Walt Disney Pictures film holds the [..]


A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)

Bruce Willis has another successful installment in his "Die Hard" movie series. "A Good Day to Die Hard" is a hit at the box office, the fourth sequel since the original was released in 1988. This fun and watchable motion picture is, of course, [..]


Identity Thief (2013)

Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy give us some escapist entertainment in the buddy road picture "Identity Thief." Director Seth Gordon ("Horrible Bosses" 2011) and screenwriter Craig Mazin provide the pair with loads of fun material to keep the picture moving for nearly two hours. Bateman plays [..]


The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

"The Wolf of Wall Street" is a black comedy that went to far to the dark side: Glamorizing drug use, excessive use of profanity, and giving positive celebrity status to to individuals who find creative ways to cheat people out of their money. [..]


Lone Survivor (2013)

Producer-director-screenwriter Peter Berg ("Battleship" 2012) has put together a good wartime drama in "Lone Survivor." The film is based on a SEAL Team's failed mission during the war in Afghanistan to capture and kill a major Taliban leader, with only one American surviving and escaping. [..]


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)

"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is a disappointing remake of 1947 classic that featured Danny Kaye in the title role. The original succeeded because the picture was tailor-made for the talents of Kaye, and concentrated on the fantasies imagined by Mitty. The 2013 redux failed [..]


Copperhead (2013)

"Copperhead" is a Civil War drama from independent director Ron Maxwell ("Gods and Generals" 2003). Based on the 1893 novel "The Copperhead" by Harold Frederic, the title refers to the Northern opponents of the Civil War. Set in upstate New York, [..]


12 Years a Slave (2013)

The Oscar for Best Picture of 2013 was deservedly awarded to "12 Years a Slave." This is a true story of a free-born African-American man from New York who was kidnapped and sold into slavery in the South in 1841. Chiwetel Ejiofor is outstanding as Solomon [..]


The Butler (2013)

Director Lee Daniels ("The Paperboy" 2012) has crafted an excellent historical drama called "The Butler." The star of the show, Forrest Whitaker, delivers a strong performance as Cecil Gaines, who served as a White House butler from 1952 to 1986. It is based on the real [..]