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And Review the Movie


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And Review the Movie


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And Review the Movie


The Wolverine (2013)

Hugh Jackman has had his best appearance yet as "The Wolverine," the second film following 2009's "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and the sixth installment of the X-Men's film series. This movie is set almost completely in Japan, starting in 1945 when Logan is in a prison camp near [..]


Elysium (2013)

"Elysium" is a science fiction film from director-screenwriter Neill Blomkamp that starts off as promising sci-fi action but disintegrates into political commentary that is woven into the storyline, as he did in "District 9" (2009), his last movie. Stars Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Sharlto Copley, Alice Braga, [..]


2 Guns (2013)

"2 Guns" is a buddy-action film laced with comedy from director Baltasar Kormakur ("Contraband" 2012). Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg play criminals working on drug deals who do not realize that they are both undercover agents working for different branches of the U.S. government. One is [..]


Paranoia (2013)

"Paranoia" is slickly produced movie thriller featuring corporate espionage as the star of the show. Liam Hemsworth plays a man whose mistakes jeopardizes his job at a technology company. His bosses give him a chance to redeem himself if he will agree to get hired at [..]


The Lone Ranger (2013)

The Walt Disney Company had a huge box office bomb on its hands back in 2013 with its remake of "The Lone Ranger." Producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Gore Verbinski ("Pirates of the Caribean: At World's End" 2007) created a film with a meandering storyline, a muddled [..]


Grown Ups 2 (2013)

Low-brow comedy rules in "Grown Ups 2," sequel to 2010's movie of the same name. Director Dennis Dugan ("Just Go With It" 2011) and screenwriters Fred Wolf, Tim Herlihy, and Adam Sandler appeal to the lowest common denominator with this material. Lead actor Sandler plays a [..]


Pacific Rim (2013)

"Pacific Rim" is a fun science fiction story telling of many nations pooling their resources to battle monsters that are emerging from a portal on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. Producer-director Guillermo del Toro ("Hellboy" 2004) put together this fast-paced film that holds the viewers' interest [..]


Man of Steel (2013)

Warner Bros. Pictures gives Superman gets the full treatment in the big budget remake of the "Man of Steel." The all-star cast is headed by British actor Henry Cavill, who fits the bill as Clark Kent and Superman, arguably the most popular superhero of all time. [..]


World War Z (2013)

Brad Pitt heads up the cast in the fun summer blockbuster "World War Z." He plays a former United Nations investigator called upon to help stop a world-wide pandemic that is turning people into zombies. This smoothly paced motion picture is the [..]


The Purge (2013)

"The Purge" is a story set in 2022 U. S. where an annual 12-hour event called The Purge has all police and emergency services suspended. The implication is that this yearly "free-for-all" purges the country of any criminal elements or excessive population helps keep crime and other [..]