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And Review the Movie


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And Review the Movie


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And Review the Movie


Lockout (2012)

"Lockout" is a science fiction action movie about a man who has been convicted of a crime he did not commit, and offered a full pardon, if he can rescue the U. S. President's daughter from a prison in orbit around the Earth by the convicts held there. [..]


Chernobyl Diaries (2012)

"Chernobyl Diaries" is a horror film about American and British young people touring eastern Europe when they stumble upon ruins of the Chernobyl nuclear plant. They disappear one by one, including their Ukrainian tour guide, until the viewer realizes they are being abducted by zombies, who are [..]


Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012)

An entertaining sequel in 2008's "Journey to the Center of the Earth" is out, with a whole new cast except for teenager Josh Hutcherson returning as Sean Anderson, as he is ready to go on "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island." The easy-to-follow, non-complex screenplay by Brian Gunn [..]


Argo (2012)

The Best Picture of 2012 is....."Argo." Director Ben Affleck ("The Town" 2010) stars in this movie where he plays a CIA operative who attempts to rescue six American diplomats from Tehran, Iran, under disguise of filming a science fiction movie during the 1979-1981 Iran hostage crisis. [..]


The Three Stooges (2012)

"The Three Stooges" is a visit to the slapstick comedy short films of 1934-1959 starring the comedy trio of the same name. Producers-directors Peter Farrelly and Bobby Farrelly, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Mike Cerrone, are generally faithful to the original stooges, giving them new life [..]


Jesse Stone: Benefit of the Doubt (2012)

Executive producer, co-writer, and star Tom Selleck has released made-for-television movie number eight in the series of nine Jesse Stone pictures based on the Robert B. Parker novels - "Jesse Stone: Benefit of the Doubt." The movie has retained the high quality of the series thanks to [..]


The Watch (2012)

Low-brow comedy reigns supreme in "The Watch," a dumb story in which members of a neighborhood watch group stumble upon an alien plot to invade the Earth. Director Akiva Schaffer ("Hot Rod" 2007) and screenwriters Jared Stern, Seth Rogan, and Evan Goldberg turned out trash that was [..]


Liz and Dick (2012)

"Liz and Dick" is a made-for-television movie about the relationship and the two marriages of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Director Lloyd Kramer ("The Five People You Meet in Heaven" 2004) employed enough production values, glamorous locales, glitzy costumes, The Diamond, etc., to cover up for bad [..]


Hyde Park on Hudson (2012)

Bill Murray delivers a surprisingly subtle and nuanced performance as America's 32nd President in "Hyde Park on Hudson." Murray and the other actors mesh well as an ensemble cast in this story of Franklin D. Roosevelt's life in the spring of 1939, focusing on his relationship with [..]


Hitchcock (2012)

"Hitchcock" proves to be a witty and entertaining movie about the goings-on behind the scenes of Alfred Hitchcock's film "Psycho." Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren have fantastic chemistry as the famed movie maker and his wife Alma Reville. The screenplay is a more than adequate adaptation [..]