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And Review the Movie


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And Review the Movie


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And Review the Movie


Skyfall (2012)

Quality still rules after a half century of James Bond in "Skyfall." The story has Daniel Craig's Bond shot and presumed dead and missing for some time. He is actually in a self-imposed retirement at some exotic tropical location. Bond decides to return home when [..]


Lincoln (2012)

"Lincoln" is probably one of the finest motion pictures ever made. This story of the final four months of President Abraham Lincoln's life is characterized by an amazing screenplay, a skillfully crafted plot, highly refined performances, and superior production values. Director Steven Spielberg ("Jaws" 1975) is [..]


Haunted Mansion (2023)

For some reason, Walt Disney Pictures decided to make a second "Haunted Mansion" movie twenty years after the first one was released. Director Justin Simien ("Dear White People" 2014) and screenwriter Katie Dippold created a winsome and generally entertaining new product that tells the story of a [..]


Barbie (2023)

Director Greta Gerwig ("Little Women" 2019) and her new film "Barbie" have taken the entertainment world by storm. Based on the Barbie fashion dolls by Mattel, this first live-action Barbie movie (after several animated features) tells the story of Barbie and Ken as they leave Barbieland to [..]


The Life of Pi (2012)

Director Ang Lee ("Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" 2000) won the Oscar for Best Director for his job at the helm of "The Life Of Pi." The story is about two survivors of a shipwreck, a 16-year-old Indian boy and a ferocious Bengal tiger, sharing a lifeboat for [..]


Parental Guidance (2012)

Billy Crystal and Bette Midler star in the hilarious comedy "Parental Guidance," where he plays a man who gets laid off from his job, and they then goes to visit their daughter, played by Marisa Tomei. Tomei and her husband are suddenly called out of town, and [..]


Flight (2012)

"Flight" is a superior action movie from veteran producer-director Robert Zemeckis ("Romancing the Stone" 1984). The story features Denzel Washington in good acting form as an airline pilot who saves his mechanically-disabled plane from crashing. He is a big hero until it is discovered that he [..]


2016: Obama’s America (2012)

Conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza put together a documentary that opines on the life and policies of former President Barack Obama, who was in office when the film was released in July, 2012. "2016: Obama's America" is based on D'Souza's 2010 book "The Roots of Obama's Rage." [..]


Taken 2 (2012)

"Taken 2" features Liam Neeson back as Brian Mills, this time on holiday with his family only to be kidnapped by the father of one of the men he killed in "Taken" (2008) when he saved his daughter. Director Olivier Megaton ("Columbiana" 2011) and screenwriters Luc [..]


Cloud Atlas (2012)

"Cloud Atlas" is an extremely ambitious project from directors-screenwriters Tom Tykwer, Lana Wachowski, and Andy Wachowski. With six storylines proceeding all at once in six eras, the group may have bitten off more than they could chew. The confusing and hard-to-follow film was adapted from the [..]