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And Review the Movie


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And Review the Movie


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And Review the Movie


In the Shadow of the Moon (2007)

Interviews with ten former astronauts of the Apollo program highlight the fascinating British documentary "In the Shadow of the Moon." Director David Sington supplements the interviews with old footage of the moon landings, as well as NASA film and photographs never seen by the general public. [..]


King of California (2007)

"King of California" is a quirky comedy-drama film from Mike Cahill, making his debut as director and screenwriter. This is Cahill's original story about a mentally ill man who believes there is buried treasure beneath the Costco where his daughter works. She is reluctantly drawn into [..]


Chisum (1970)

John Wayne is definitely the star of the show in "Chisum," where he plays a rancher and cattle baron who gets caught in the middle of the Lincoln County War of 1878 in New Mexico. Director Andrew V. McLaglen ("Bandolero!" 1968) and screenwriter-producer Andrew J. Fenady instilled [..]


Bad News Bears (2005)

"Bad News Bears" is the story of a disgraced former MLB player hired to coach a children's baseball team with poor playing skills. Producer-director Richard Linklater ("School of Rock" 2003) instilled this sports comedy with plenty of laughs, maybe going overboard a bit when the coach supplied [..]


King Corn (2007)

"King Corn" is an interesting documentary that sheds light on the food distribution system in America. Hosts Ian Cheney and Curtis Ellis move from Boston to Iowa, where they grow corn on one acre of land. They show the wide use of corn and corn [..]


Sicko (2007)

Controversial filmmaker Michael Moore has come up with his most explosive documentary to date. "Sicko" takes a look at health care in the United States, including health insurance and the pharmaceutical industry. He compares the American market-oriented system with the non-profit, universal health care systems of [..]


Friends of God: A Road Trip with Alexandra Pelosi (2007)

Filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi takes a fair, honest, and unbiased look at evangelical Protestants across America, and their effects on culture, politics, society, and the arts in "Friends of God: A Road Trip with Alexandria Pelosi." She interviews prominent Christian leaders like Joel Osteen at Lakewood Church in [..]


Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project (2007)

Movie director John Landis ("The Blues Brothers" 1980) put together a fun documentary project on one of America's most beloved comedians in "Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project." He interviewed scores of celebrities and featured clips of Rickles' numerous appearances, especially from "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny [..]


Mr. Brooks (2007)

The drama and tension run very thick in the psychological thriller "Mr. Brooks." Kevin Costner stars as a successful businessman and prominent member of the community who has a secret life as a serial killer. Tight direction by Bruce A. Evans ("Stand by Me" 1986) and [..]


The Astronaut Farmer (2007)

"The Astronaut Farmer" is the story of a former astronaut turned Texas rancher who constructs a rocket in his barn with the intent of launching into outer space. The ridiculous plot based on a far-fetched premise makes this film completely uncredible and therefore difficult to watch. [..]