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And Review the Movie


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And Review the Movie


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And Review the Movie


Mambo Italiano (2003)

"Mambo Italiano" is a comedy-drama film from Canadian director Emile Gaudreault that tells the story of a young man revealing to his traditional Italian parents that he is gay. The screenplay, written by Gaudreault with Steve Galluccio, is the basis of this predicable culture clash movie that [..]


Frank Herbert’s Children of Dune (2003)

"Frank Herbert's Children of Dune" is a worthy sequel to 2000's "Frank Herbert's Dune." Both miniseries were broadcast on the SciFi Channel, among the highest rated shows ever on that cable television network. Director Greg Yaitanes and teleplay author John Harrison continue the high-quality production values [..]


Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt (2003)

Adam West, Burt Ward, and some of the cast of the original "Batman" television series reunite in "Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt." This made-for-television movie, aired on CBS in March, 2003, has West and Ward going in search of the stolen Batmobile, [..]


DC 9/11: Time of Crisis (2003)

"DC 9/11: Time of Crisis" is a comprehensive look at the behind-the-scenes goings-on in the George W. Bush Administration during the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Producer-screenwriter Lionel Chetwynd and director Brian Trenchard-Smith put together this well-paced 127 minute made-for-television movie that aired on Showtime on September [..]


Johnny English (2003)

"Johnny English" offers some typically dry British humor in this spoof of spy pictures in general and of the James Bond series in particular. Star Rowan Atkinson is expert in the title role, the bumbling and stumbling Johnny English. Despite his mistakes, the writers always make [..]


The Fog of War (2003)

Producer-director Errol Morris has created a fascinating look at the life and times of Robert S. McNamara in "The Fog of War." Morris won the Academy Award for Best Documentary for this skillfully crafted work, which features live interviews with the man who was John F. [..]


Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)

Arnold Schwarzenegger is back for more fun and games in "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines." Though not as original as its two predecessors (1984 & 1991), this one nonetheless contains enough action sequences, an exciting chase scene, and copious battles between Arnold's T-800 and the new [..]


Land of Plenty (2004)

"Land of Plenty" tells the story of a woman returning to America after years living abroad. She searches out her only living relative, her mother's brother, with interesting results. Director Wim Wenders ("The Million Dollar Hotel" 2000), who also co-wrote the screenplay with Michael Meredith, [..]


Paradise (2004)

"Paradise" must be one of the worst films of 2004. This made-for-television movie tells the story of an astronaut who claims to have seen God while on one of his space missions, and later becomes a televangelist who builds an empire on this story. The government [..]


Snowpiercer (2013)

"Snowpiercer" is a science fiction story about a future in which climate change has turned the entire Earth into a new ice age. The remnants of the human race are all crowded on one giant train called the Snowpiercer, which is continually circling the globe on the [..]