“Behind Green Lights” is a crime drama about a police investigation involving a murder after the victim is dumped in front of police headquarters. The investigator starts to fall in love with the main suspect, a beautiful woman who was being blackmailed by the murder victim. Director Otto Brower (“Youth Will Be Served” 1940) put together a respectable B-movie from a passable screenplay by Charles G. Booth and Scott Darling.
The stars of the show are Carol Landis, William Gargan, John Ireland, Mary Anderson, Don Beddoe, Richard Crane, Roy Roberts, Charles Russell, Mabel Page, Stanley Prager, and Charles Tannen as a reporter. The watchable black-and-white film noir “Behind Green Lights” was a modest success in theatrical release for 20th Century Fox. This was director Brower’s final film; he passed away in January, 1946, one month before the movie’s release.
Behind Green Lights (1946)
My Review
“Behind Green Lights” is a crime drama about a police investigation involving a murder after the victim is dumped in front of police headquarters. The investigator starts to fall in love with the main suspect, a beautiful woman who was being blackmailed by the murder victim. Director Otto Brower (“Youth Will Be Served” 1940) put together a respectable B-movie from a passable screenplay by Charles G. Booth and Scott Darling.
The stars of the show are Carol Landis, William Gargan, John Ireland, Mary Anderson, Don Beddoe, Richard Crane, Roy Roberts, Charles Russell, Mabel Page, Stanley Prager, and Charles Tannen as a reporter. The watchable black-and-white film noir “Behind Green Lights” was a modest success in theatrical release for 20th Century Fox. This was director Brower’s final film; he passed away in January, 1946, one month before the movie’s release.