Bad Times at the El Royale (2018) Review

Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)



My Review

“Bad Times at the El Royale” is a neo-noir movie thriller about seven strangers staying at an old motel near Lake Tahoe. They all have secrets and things get complicated when they interact. Producer-director-screenwriter Drew Goddard (“Cabin in the Woods” 2012) kept the two hour and twenty minute film on track with good pacing, and he also did a good job balancing the diverse cast of actors and the characters they portray.

The talented cast includes Jeff Bridges as an ex-con posing as a Catholic priest, Dakota Johnson and Cynthia Spaeny as sisters fleeing from a cult, Chris Hemsworth as the cult leader, Jon Hamm as an undercover FBI agent, and Lewis Pullman as the mild-mannered hotel clerk. Others appearing are Nick Offerman, Xavier Dolan, Shea Whigham, Mark O’Brien, Charles Halford, and Jim O’Heir.

“Bad Times at the El Royale” was set in the 1960’s with numerous hit songs from the era. This 20yh Century Fox picture was not terribly successful in theatrical release but is a watchable view on dvd.

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