“All Good Things” is a crime drama based on true events surrounding a wealthy New York man accused of a series of murders, including the disappearance of his own wife. What had the potential to be an interesting drama film turned out to be a huge bore, thanks to lackluster direction by Andrew Jarecki and terrible writing by Marcus Hinchey and Marc Smerling.
The cast did seem to deliver decent performances: Ryan Gosling, Kirsten Dunst, Frank Langella, Diane Verona, Nick Offerman, and Kristen Wiig. The unwatchable independently produced film “All Good Things” was a flop at the box office.
All Good Things (2010)
My Review
“All Good Things” is a crime drama based on true events surrounding a wealthy New York man accused of a series of murders, including the disappearance of his own wife. What had the potential to be an interesting drama film turned out to be a huge bore, thanks to lackluster direction by Andrew Jarecki and terrible writing by Marcus Hinchey and Marc Smerling.
The cast did seem to deliver decent performances: Ryan Gosling, Kirsten Dunst, Frank Langella, Diane Verona, Nick Offerman, and Kristen Wiig. The unwatchable independently produced film “All Good Things” was a flop at the box office.