The Woman in the Window (1944) Review

The Woman in the Window (1944)



My Review

“The Woman in the Window” is a film noir melodrama which keeps viewers on the edge of their collective seats until the very end of the picture. Producer-screenwriter Nunnally Johnson put together this story featuring Edward G. Robinson as a mild-mannered professor who becomes obsessed with the picture of a beautiful woman in a storefront window. He soon meets her, adeptly portrayed by Joan Bennett. Before long she gets the professor involved in an unbelievable quagmire of problems.

Co-stars include Raymond Massey, Dan Duryea, Edmond Breon, Thomas E. Jackson, Dorothy Peterson, Iris Adrian, and Arthur Loft in three different roles. Nunnally Johnson founded International Pictures, which merged with Universal Studios in 1946 to become Universal-International. Johnson hired veteran director Fritz Lang (“Metropolis” 1927) to lend his expertise to this project.

“The Woman in the Window” from International Pictures and RKO Studios is probably the best movie you never heard of.

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