“City That Never Sleeps” is a crime drama that tells the story of a Chicago policeman tired of his job, his life, and his wife. His plans of escape are complicated by his involvement with a corrupt attorney. Director John Auer (“Thunderbirds” 1952) and screenwriter Steve Fisher turned out a film which is short on character development and plot and long on action shots. In other words, a low-quality film noir project with bad writing and poor production values.
The actors delivered sluggish performances, including Gig Young, Mala Powers, William Talman, Edward Arnold, Chill Wills, Marie Windsor, Paula Raymond, Otto Hulett, Wally Cassell, Ron Hagerthy, and Tom Poston in a small role as a detective, before he switched to comedy. This mediocre black-and-white film noir “City That Never Sleeps” was not successful at the box office for producer John Auer and Republic Pictures.
City That Never Sleeps (1953)
My Review
“City That Never Sleeps” is a crime drama that tells the story of a Chicago policeman tired of his job, his life, and his wife. His plans of escape are complicated by his involvement with a corrupt attorney. Director John Auer (“Thunderbirds” 1952) and screenwriter Steve Fisher turned out a film which is short on character development and plot and long on action shots. In other words, a low-quality film noir project with bad writing and poor production values.
The actors delivered sluggish performances, including Gig Young, Mala Powers, William Talman, Edward Arnold, Chill Wills, Marie Windsor, Paula Raymond, Otto Hulett, Wally Cassell, Ron Hagerthy, and Tom Poston in a small role as a detective, before he switched to comedy. This mediocre black-and-white film noir “City That Never Sleeps” was not successful at the box office for producer John Auer and Republic Pictures.