“Prospect” is a science fiction film that tells the story of a father-and-daughter team of prospectors who travel to a remote forested moon of an unnamed planet to search for valuable gems. A series of conflicts with fellow prospectors leads to numerous problems; and the drama proceeds from there. Directors-screenwriters Zeek Earl and Chris Caldwell do a good job of creating a scifi story that is character driven rather than a special effects-dominated motion picture.
The stars of the show are Sophie Thatcher and Jay Duplass as the father-daughter team with Pedro Pascal as a fellow miner. All deliver believable performances a bit on the low key side, unusual for science fiction. Others include Andre Royo, Sheila Vand, Anwan Glover, and Ben Little. The watchable “Prospect” had limited theatrical release before appearing on video-on-demand and streaming services. It was a production of Depth of Field Productions, Ground Control, Bron Studios, Shep Films, Dust Films, and Gunpowder & Sky.
Prospect (2018)
My Review
“Prospect” is a science fiction film that tells the story of a father-and-daughter team of prospectors who travel to a remote forested moon of an unnamed planet to search for valuable gems. A series of conflicts with fellow prospectors leads to numerous problems; and the drama proceeds from there. Directors-screenwriters Zeek Earl and Chris Caldwell do a good job of creating a scifi story that is character driven rather than a special effects-dominated motion picture.
The stars of the show are Sophie Thatcher and Jay Duplass as the father-daughter team with Pedro Pascal as a fellow miner. All deliver believable performances a bit on the low key side, unusual for science fiction. Others include Andre Royo, Sheila Vand, Anwan Glover, and Ben Little. The watchable “Prospect” had limited theatrical release before appearing on video-on-demand and streaming services. It was a production of Depth of Field Productions, Ground Control, Bron Studios, Shep Films, Dust Films, and Gunpowder & Sky.