A ten-year-old girl and her recently widowed grandfather befriend a mysterious reindeer as their family gathers for Christmas in “Prancer: A Christmas Tale.” After a while, when amazing things start to happen, they both wonder if he really is one of Santa’s helpers. Director Phil Hawkins and writer Greg Taylor put together a lucid and easy-to-follow storyline first aired on HBO in December, 2022.
The cast is headed by James Cromwell as Grandpa Bud and Darcey Ewart as his granddaughter Gloria. The supporting cast includes Sarah-Jane Potts, Aaron McCusker, Joseph Millson, Stephanie Levi-John, Lucas Persaud, Florisa Kamara, Jim Findley, Jessica Blake, Christopher Jeffers, Vlad Radescu, and Holly Hayes as Mrs. Bradley. “Prancer: A Christmas Tale” is a top-rate, first-class holiday film from producer Raffaella De Laurentiis.
Prancer: A Christmas Tale (2022)
My Review
A ten-year-old girl and her recently widowed grandfather befriend a mysterious reindeer as their family gathers for Christmas in “Prancer: A Christmas Tale.” After a while, when amazing things start to happen, they both wonder if he really is one of Santa’s helpers. Director Phil Hawkins and writer Greg Taylor put together a lucid and easy-to-follow storyline first aired on HBO in December, 2022.
The cast is headed by James Cromwell as Grandpa Bud and Darcey Ewart as his granddaughter Gloria. The supporting cast includes Sarah-Jane Potts, Aaron McCusker, Joseph Millson, Stephanie Levi-John, Lucas Persaud, Florisa Kamara, Jim Findley, Jessica Blake, Christopher Jeffers, Vlad Radescu, and Holly Hayes as Mrs. Bradley. “Prancer: A Christmas Tale” is a top-rate, first-class holiday film from producer Raffaella De Laurentiis.