MacArthur (1977) Review

MacArthur (1977)



My Review

Gregory Peck delivered a memorable performance as a famous World War II general in “MacArthur.” His persona and superior acting abilities make him perfect for portraying Douglas MacArthur, who ran the war in the Pacific theater, accepted the surrender of the Japanese emperor, and was later fired by President Harry Truman in the Korean conflict. This biopic from Universal Pictures was a modest success at the box office.

Director Joseph Sargent (“White Lightening” 1973) kept the filming on an even keel, with a good script by Hal Barwood and Matthew Robbins. The supporting cast includes Dan O’Herlihy as FDR, Ed Flanders as Truman, Art Fleming (host of TV’s “Jeopardy” 1964-1975) as W. Averell Harriman, Russell Johnson (the professor of “Gilligan’s Island”) as Admiral Ernest King, Kenneth Tobey as Admiral Halsey, Nicholas Coster, Ward Costello, G. D. Spradlin, Alex Rodine, Yuki Shimoda, Sandy Kenyon, and Marj Dusay as Jean MacArthur.

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