Set in 1930 on the island of Martinique, “Sugar Cane Alley” tells the story of an elderly woman raising her grandson in the post-slavery, yet still plantation-based, sugar cane industry. She struggles to get him an education to escape the drudgery and poverty of physical labor. The French female director-screenwriter Euzhan Palcy does an outstanding job of bringing this coming-of-age drama to the screen, adapted from the 1950 novel of the same name (“La Rue Cases-Negres” in French), something of an autobiography from Joseph Zobel.
The actors deliver excellent performances in the French language (with English subtitles), especially Garry Cadenat as young Jose and Darling Legitimus as his grandmother. Other cast members include Douta Seck, Joby Bernabe, Francisco Charles, and Marie-Jo Descas. The cast is entirely Martinican Creole or French. “Sugar Cane Alley” is a watchable one hundred minute film from various French movie production companies.
Sugar Cane Alley (1983)
My Review
Set in 1930 on the island of Martinique, “Sugar Cane Alley” tells the story of an elderly woman raising her grandson in the post-slavery, yet still plantation-based, sugar cane industry. She struggles to get him an education to escape the drudgery and poverty of physical labor. The French female director-screenwriter Euzhan Palcy does an outstanding job of bringing this coming-of-age drama to the screen, adapted from the 1950 novel of the same name (“La Rue Cases-Negres” in French), something of an autobiography from Joseph Zobel.
The actors deliver excellent performances in the French language (with English subtitles), especially Garry Cadenat as young Jose and Darling Legitimus as his grandmother. Other cast members include Douta Seck, Joby Bernabe, Francisco Charles, and Marie-Jo Descas. The cast is entirely Martinican Creole or French. “Sugar Cane Alley” is a watchable one hundred minute film from various French movie production companies.