2016: Obama’s America (2012) Review

2016: Obama’s America (2012)



My Review

Conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza put together a documentary that opines on the life and policies of former President Barack Obama, who was in office when the film was released in July, 2012. “2016: Obama’s America” is based on D’Souza’s 2010 book “The Roots of Obama’s Rage.”

Directors-screenwriters Dinesh D’Souza and John Sullivan did a good job on the film in general, not taking into account the political viewpoint, employing good production values. Producer Gerald R. Molen, Oscar-winning producer for “Schindler’s List” (1993), also contributed in this area.

The movie compares and contrasts the lives of Obama and D’Souza, who himself is an Indian immigrant to the U. S. D’Souza, who also was the film’s narrator, goes on to contend that Obama was influenced by anti-western figures early in life, and this affected the policies of his eight year administration that lasted from 2009 to 2017. “2016: Obama’s America” was quite successful in theatrical release, one of the best selling documentaries of all time.

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